Saturday, January 9, 2021

Halloween Party

Addison's small school (daycare) had a Halloween party. These crazy public schools these days don't have holiday parties. I'm glad her little school did because she was so excited!! She was so excited to wear her orange astronaut to school. 

Ryan was thinking it was super Dad so I had to take a picture. He went to the basement to get the high chair out. Notice Addison's terrified face. ha! 

Trying out the new high chair. 

Documenting the Magic Merlin Sleep Suit again - he's 5 months in these photos. Thanks to Erin for the sleep suit! It's been so nice. Not guaranteed to sleep through EVERY night but it's pretty good. Better than Addy was at this age. It's getting pretty tight...... 

My little pumpkins! Addison is at that awkward smile age. She was probably talking in this one. But she does love taking pictures with him! She tries to get him to smile while she's in the same photo, that doesn't work too well. :) 

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