Monday, January 25, 2021

Hurricane Eta

Sometimes he gets all 10 toes in there. It's been interesting since he's gotten teeth, it has not slowed down his toe snacking. Those teeth make his little toes red then! 

Happy little boy! 

Addison wanted to feed him. She fed him the whole bottle. Normally she does a little and tells us he's squirmy and says we need to take him. 

Little dude liked the pool better this time! We were a little nervous to let go of him in the tube. 

Ryan was holding him from underneath :) Addison was so happy to have Mason in the pool with her. We are getting a snow storm right now and my parents are in Florida..... I wish we were there!! 

Hanging out by the little pool. I don't think I got a picture but we got caught in a big thunderstorm at this pool one day. Ryan was in the pool with Addison and could see the dark clouds looming behind us. Me and Mason didn't see them. The direction we were facing, was a pretty blue. Then my mom and Kelly came to the pool. They were there maybe 5 minutes and Ryan says "we should probably go back" as we turned around and saw some real dark rolling clouds. We hurried up and got our stuff together and Mason and I took off. It's technically 2 blocks home..... but they are real long blocks! It started pouring. Just down pouring. I thankfully had a towel to cover Mason a little. The rain was pelting! I was trying to go as fast as I could, but I didn't want to try to run because I was in flip flops. And then the others were behind me and Addison was wanting to ride in the umbrella stroller. We all made it back to the house safely, but it was quite the adventure! 

This is a good reason why I take silly photos sometime. This photo was to remind me that we were in a hurricane :) I had even forgotten about the rain shower from above until I saw this photo. Hurricane Eta hit Fort Myers while we were there. It was so weird, not at all what we expecting. Part of every day was still sunny and we got in the pool. The time it rained the hardest was of course when we were coming back from the pool. It wasn't really windy, just raining. We saw the news coverage from Fort Myers beach, I think maybe 15-20 miles from where we were, it was completely different. Hurricane Eta was going back and forth between a hurricane and a tropical storm. We watched a lot of hurricane coverage on the news. It really didn't effect us too much, we seemed to keep ourselves entertained :) 

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