Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Florida part I

We made it to Florida! The four us flew with Kelly and Grandma Rita. Addison was so excited, as normal. This girl loves to leave home, ha! In the picture above, she was laying on Mason and pretending he was a pillow. My dad does this with the grandkids all the time, I thought this was pretty funny. 

So we were hanging out on the lanai, and I was walking around the pool. I looked out the screen and saw this turtle. I had to think about it "Did they have a turtle decoration?" Then as I was looking at it, it moved. I ran and got Addy. I was pretty excited, I hadn't seen a turtle that big in the "wild". We had to FaceTime Grandpa Ron to show him his turtle :) 

She was so funny, she insisted on "taking care of Mason". She did a decent job of pushing the stroller, but we did have to stay pretty close to her. We didn't go many places while in Florida, but we did go to the outlet mall just to get out and walk around. 

First time in a big kid stroller. It was kind of awkward for him but it worked good enough. He also had a goofy sunhat in the hand-me down tub that we made him wear :) 

Mason in a 'big kid' swimming suit. This was a bigger size than he needed but it worked and was mighty cute! 

Second time in a pool! He seemed to have more of a reaction this time. 

 The swim wore him out! He had a nice little nap with me next to the pool :) Perfect way to nap in my opinion! 

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