Saturday, January 30, 2021

Had to go home.....

We spent a full week in Florida, but then we had to go home :( We were all pretty sad. I wish we would have planned to work from Florida and just stayed there! Addison does great on the flights, she usually watches a movie. She gets excited to fly. I've been looking for flights to go back! 

Mr. Mason did great as well! He was great on both flights. He slept most of the way home and we had to wake him up for a bottle. It was a great flight! 

We got this outfit from Nolan, we loved it :) The quote is from the movie Elf and it's one of our favorite movies at Christmas time. 


This is a screenshot from Addison's preschool app, she was making pumpkin pie. Which consisted of crushed graham crackers, vanilla pudding & pumpkin pie filling, then topped with cool whip. Addison's favorite part was the cool whip - ha! She was SO excited about this pumpkin pie and then got really excited around Thanksgiving thinking that's what she would get for pumpkin pie :) She did try Ryan's mom's pumpkin pie, she wasn't too excited about it but did say she liked it. 

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