Friday, January 8, 2021

Put Mason on my back Dad

Ryan does push-ups with Addison on his back. Addison wanted Mason on her back while she did push ups. There were many issues with this scenario. 
1. Addison struggles to do push ups on her own
2. Mason weighs 18 pounds and Addison weighs 34 pounds
3. Mason DID NOT want to be on Addison's back. 

Addison wants him to do things all the time. He has to give her hugs, chase her around the kitchen, sit on her lap, watch her do crazy things, etc. Tonight, she was trying to make him give her a high-five. She says everyday "I just love Mason so much" Me too kid. Ha! 

The kids and their pumpkins! Grandpa Ron had a pumpkin for Addison and Mason with their names on them. Then we let Addison pick out two little ones at the pumpkin patch. She apparently picked out gourds because the little pumpkins were gone, but she was happy as a clam. 

Addy wanted to take a photo of Mason and Dad. Ryan went to sit next to Mason and his knee brushed Mason's head. I mean, brushed it. And this was Mason's reaction: 

 He wailed. haha! I mean tears, crying, the whole shebang. It was a bit absurd. Very dramatic. It was so funny I had to take pictures. haha! 

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