Monday, January 11, 2021

Trick or Treat 2020

Kiddos are all dressed up and ready for trick or treating! 

Addison was so excited for Mason to be dressed up. It was a pretty nice night out. 

Trick or Treating with COVID was interesting. Many houses put bowls out for kids to get their own. Some houses apparently didn't know COVID was happening and stayed inside waiting for you to right the bell. A lot of people sat outside but had a table set up with candy so you didn't have to get to close and they didn't hand you anything. Those were our preferred houses :) We visited so many houses, if we had to go ring the doorbell, we just skipped it. 

This girl LOVED trick or treating!! We were out 1.5 hours! I expected maybe 30 minutes. We had to send Ryan and Mason back home. She was so totally into it. I'm not sure why, I think just the fun of putting the candy in her bucket.... or her pocket. She was pretty excited about putting things in her pocket. 

Sorting her loot. She really wasn't totally into the candy, she just wanted one piece. Ryan did have to have a chat with her part way through trick or treating - go for chocolate. ha! She kept getting the non-chocolate candy. Which if she ate it, it would be fine.... but she doesn't. So she needed coaching. Ha!

She got all this candy and hasn't thought twice about it since the night she got it. It's in a bucket in the pantry. Ha!  

Her pumpkin from Grandpa Ron. 

So then after Bondurant's trick or treating, the next day (actually Halloween), we went to Ames to the Nolting House. We had supper and then the kiddos got dressed. Henry was black panther, Caleb a dinosaur (without a head), and Violet obviously a pumpkin. These kids were so excited, it was fun. Again, Addison couldn't get enough and wanted to stay out longer than the rest, but I convinced her to go inside for 1 piece of candy. Ha! 
A good part of COVID this year is that we have gotten to spend more time with Lisa & Lauren's families! 

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