Thursday, November 30, 2017

Conner & Addison

Addison loves to be on the trampoline. She basically just runs back and forth but she's sort of getting the jumping part. 

Conner was driving circles around the house on the four wheeler and she was sooo excited every time he drove by. She would squeal, bounce up and down, and wave. She was waving in the photo above. Then if he took longer than she expected, she was peeking around the corner to see if he was coming. He did this for about 20 minutes and she loved it every time!! 

I love that she loves my dogs!! JJ is so good with the kids. We need to get Addison to the farm more often! 

Her and Conner have this game where one of them throws their head back and says "ooooo" and the other one tickles them. Addison loves this game and thinks it is hilarious. She likes to play with us too. I can't stand the substance, waiting for her to tickle me when I can't see what she's doing - haha!  She prefers to be the tickle-er rather than the tickle-ee. 

Here is Conner driving by. 

Addison & JJ - I'm not sure where Rocky was during our games. I need to get a few photos of her with Rocky too! 

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