Friday, November 10, 2017

More Fun on the Farm

It was the end of August and Grandpa Ron had gotten the combine out, he placed it perfectly in the yard, he must of known we wanted to take a picture! 

This was the first encounter her and JJ had outside without me holding her. She warmed up quick! I was shocked because the only "big" dog she has been around was Landon's dog Cooper and she doesn't see him often. The dogs at daycare are really little. 

Almost big enough to ride by herself. But for now she stands on the deck and waves at Conner flying by!! 

Conner is showing her that Rocky is a nice dog. Rocky is a little "in your face" with the kids, so they are usually a little scared. He tends to not know his own size and knocks little ones over :) 

She wasn't so sure what Conner was doing, but found it fun to watch him! 

Vernon's old tractor

We opened the screen and let him come in. JJ is just as scared of her as she is of him. The beads in her hands terrified him as they made a loud noise on the wood floor! 

One of my favorite photos - two of my favorites!! Now that I'm done with school, we need to get to the farm more often. She loves watching the dogs and the trampoline. She also loves just going outside wherever she wants! 

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