Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wedding in Ohio

Ryan and I went to a wedding in Ohio and we sent Addison to the farm for a long weekend. She had a good time! She ate beef and noodles (my least favorite meal) and loved it! Addison warmed up to the dogs quick and LOVED going outside to see them. Her and JJ became friends.

She got put to work on the farm. Grandpa Ron was getting the combine ready for harvest (this was in mid-September). First time on the big four wheeler, she has watched Conner ride the small one.

She was checking out the corn to see if it was close to being ready. She was trying to put the ear back on the corn stalk :) I said she should just feed it to Rocky. Crazy dog loves ears of corn! But instead she fed the dogs dog food (photo on the right). She had to feed both dogs and pat JJ on the head so he would eat.

She slept well and behaved for Grandma and Grandpa (or so they say), so that made us happy! She sure missed us though, drop off at daycare was rough the next week.

Ryan and the groom, along with the beer can flag. It was an American themed wedding. 

The wedding was in the woods and absolutely beautiful. Very well done! 

The groom and me

I hadn't had this much fun in a long time. There was almost 400 people at the wedding, so many people we hadn't seen in a while. It was almost like we were back in college! It was fun catching up with everyone. We told Case he has to have an anniversary party in a year so we can party again! 

You can see Ryan's pumpkin-koozie - Case's family has a pumpkin farm, so that was many of the decorations. Case used to make a pumpkin football-helmet to wear while tailgating in college. I preferred my wedding koozie, the pumpkin was heavy and too big for my hands! 

This flag is on the grain bin, biggest flag ever. It was pretty awesome!
We rented a van and drove to Ohio with some friends. It was great to see everyone but we were happy to get home to our little munchkin!

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