Monday, November 6, 2017

An important piece of paper

At the end of August, I got my diploma in the mail! Me and Addison were quite excited as you can see. Right around this time, my MBA team got invited to talk to the incoming class. We won "Top Performing Team" in our core group. :) So we went to talk to the new class, it was so fun to see my group again and some of our professors. Even though it hadn't been that long since I had finished class, I still missed them. We spent a lot of time together! But I'm kind of glad I don't see so much anymore...that means less work for me, ha! 

Addison's tractor broke down. I told her she might have to call Grandpa Ron for advice, I wasn't much help. ha! She was riding it around then stopped and turned it over on it's side and starting looking at it, haha!

Addison's first ponytail! Her name was getting in her eyes and she wasn't leaving her clips in. So I tried the ponytail, and we haven't looked back since! Looking at these photos from a while ago, she doesn't look like herself without the ponytail. 

A little girly-girl! She actually doesn't mind all the tutus and adorable outfits. The only thing she does mind, is things in her hair! 

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