Saturday, November 25, 2017

First Football Game!

We took Addison to her first football game on Thursday Sept. 28. The weather was nice so we thought we could try to take her. We met the rest of the family at the Dekalb tent for a quick burger before the game. 

Trying to entertain her during the game. There is a little girl her age that sits still and very well behaved, we thought Addison would be like that. 

Wrong...... ha! This is her throwing a toddler-fit by the concession stands. She thought she saw Grandma Rita and tried to follow her up the stairs. It wasn't Grandma Rita and this is what happened when Addison realized it! She rolled around on the ground. A little boy about 4 came over, very concerned about Addison and asked if she was okay. Addison was screaming so loud she didn't hear him ask. Haha! 

She actually did fairly good considering her age and what we were expecting of her. She is just wild and doesn't want to sit still!! We sit on the aisle so she kept wanting down. In the photo on the right, she was watching the band. They came up our aisle to play. 

If we sat closer, it might have been better. Oh well! 

My mom and I took Addison home about 9pm. She was SOOO tired as you can see. She fell asleep immediately in the car. We stayed in Ames that night. 

She found a 2nd wind once we got home. Here she is with the cat from my Grandma Julius' house. I told Ryan we were going to bring it home (my mom was taking it to Salvation Army)

Just watching the end of the game with my kitty :) 

The game didn't end well, ISU lost. But we are over that lost as the rest of the season has been fun!! 

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