Monday, November 27, 2017

My little Pumpkin

We were up at 4am that day, and I think I took this photo around 7am. She was tuckered out and watching TV. This was a very unusual sight, at this age she didn't slow down long enough to watch TV unless it's a theme song or commercial she likes. 

Anyone see Addison??? 

I spy :) 
She loves to wrap up and hide in our curtains. She hasn't pulled down the rod.....yet. 

My little pumpkin!! We got the mini pumpkins from Ohio when we went out there for Ryan's friend's wedding. 

This one is my favorite - I love that smile and laugh! No matter what kind of day we have, when you come home to that makes everything better! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like she will be very good in the Julius family Hide and Seek games :)
