Thursday, November 9, 2017

Fun on the Farm!

We got to head to the farm for one night (I think we were there less than 24 hours) but at least we got to go! These photos were of Addison throwing a fit on the island counter. I wish I could remember why. This is why I need to keep up on posting, I can't remember what happened! 

I do remember we sent these to her dad :) 

This is as close as she would get to the dogs. 

This photo was probably a minute and a half later :) She warmed up quick!! 

She gets excited when she sees photos of the dogs around the house now. Or just in the laundry room, that's the only place Ryan lets me hang my dog photos. :) We are working on saying their names. 

She just sat and jabbered to JJ and Rocky through the screen door. She was upset if they weren't there and we had to call them. She also knows they could be in the garage, but we have to lift her to see out that door. 

Free hugs!! Addison just started giving hugs, and she gave a ton to Conner. She warmed up to Conner pretty quick, she thinks he is so funny (funny haha or funny strange....I'm not sure). 

Had to get a wheel well photo - more to come next time!! 

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