Thursday, November 2, 2017

Is that a monster?'s the vacuum....

 Ever since she was 9 months old, Addison has been scared of the vacuum. When I was on maternity leave, I used to put her in the Baby Bjorn and vacuum with her so it's not like she didn't hear the vacuum before! haha! When I'm vacuuming, she runs and hides.....and then pokes her head around the corner to see what we are doing. It's like she is terrified of it, but wants to keep an eye on it so it doesn't pull a fast one on her! Ryan works with her and trys to get her close to me and the scary vacuum and tell her it's okay. It doesn't work well. Then we try to leave it out in the room for a few days and walk around it. It's hilarious because she has a scared look on her face while she makes a wide circle around the vacuum. If it's in her way, she will just stand and cry until we get her. I feel like I may have already wrote this on the blog, but I have multiple record-keeping avenues for Addison I can't remember what I put where! haha!

Anyways, I caught her doing this all by herself at 16 months - this is a huge step!! Just the other day (18 months now), I saw her touching it lightly and then run away screaming while I was vacuuming. ha! 

You see a lot of photos like this, her just sitting on the couch. It's not entertaining or funny, but I'm sentimental about how quick she is growing so we take lots of photos. Plus, I love her outfits and picking out her clothes, and I want to remember what cute outfits she had! 

This photo shows a typical night in our house - Addison carrying around a musical animal (bunny shakes and sings "here comes peter cottontail"). I thought it was hilarious, she has an old Fit Bit braced on her face. And I can't remember what's under the other arm. She LOVES to get in our desk drawers, so I have converted them to strictly "junk" drawers with items she can play with. the fit bit band was one of the items. I'm just impressed she wasn't chewing on it! 

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