Friday, December 1, 2017

Shoe La La

One of Addison's favorite books is "Shoe La-La". Emily, Ashley, Kaitlyn, & Clare try to find the perfect pair :) It's a super cute book we got from my cousin's wife, her little girl loves it as well. Addison is obsessed with wearing my shoes around the house when I leave them out. She gets pretty frustrated if she can't get the shoes to do what she wants, ha! She walked from the spare bedroom, down the hall, and into our room yesterday in my tennis shoes. I was pretty impressed. We were also impressed that the first time putting on my flip flops, she knew where the strap needed to go in between her toes!

We were trying on our hat and gloves, getting ready for cold weather. She decided to put my flip flops on too - ha!

This was taken during the playoffs, love this jersey. She is the cutest little Cubs fan! Cubs didn't make it to the World Series this year, but we are still living on the high from last year :) 

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