Saturday, November 18, 2017

Who Needs a Dog?

She kept wanting up on the couch so we got out her step stool and put it next to the couch. It works well! It's been there for 2 months now :) She also uses to line up her water bottles or toys.

Let's Go Cyclones!! My boss Jeff was hospitalized after a bacterial infection from a mission trip, so Addison and I sent him a note to help him feel better! We had to take a photo in our cheerleader outfit :) 

Who needs a dog?? Addison cleans up her own crumbs. This is what she did after supper one night. Everyone keeps telling us we need a dog to keep our house clean. Our reply "What? Your kid doesn't eat their crumbs off the floor??" haha! 

Little girl loves her rags! She gathered all of them up and then wanted me to pick her up. I can hardly pick her up because she's holding so many rags! We had to take them on our walk with us too. I miss those nice days when we went for a's cold and windy today!

I was sitting on the couch and she worked hard to climb up on the couch then crawl over to me and then climbed on me to sit and watch Big Bang Theory. She loves to crawl all over us and make herself comfy. Sometimes she bounces up and down on your stomach. It doesn't good when she does it to you, but it's really funny if you are watching her do it Ryan! ha! 

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