Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Addison's first baby shower

Addison and I attended my cousin's baby shower in Fort Dodge at the Apple Orchard. It will might be Addison's last shower for a while.....She did really good for the first 40 minutes. BUT THEN. The wild animal came out. She took my silverware and wouldn't give it back. That included a butter knife. I tested it, she wasn't going to cut herself. She started running around with the silverware and I heard "Oh my goodness she has a knife! Who's child is that?". Mine. Yup she's mine and yes she has a fork and a knife. And she's running. At least she wasn't running with scissors. You can go ahead and present me with the Mom of the Year award. haha!!
She ran wild for about 20 minutes and people kept giving me suggestions of what she could play with. Which was very nice of them.....but I know my kid and once you let the animal out of the cage, it's hard to put her back. Meaning, you let her run around.....good luck getting her to sit still again! So since I couldn't chat and they were starting games (Addison's screaming was distracting) we had to leave early. She threw a fit when I had to take the silverware and everyone stared as we left the orchard. I was sweating. haha!! 

But we had to stop for a few photos first! We got to see the Julius' which was great. Only wish I got to chat longer! Kaitlyn looked amazing and we are sooo excited for her and Scott. Can't wait for another kid in the Julius family. THEN we will get another kiddo in February for Erin and Brandon. Yea! 

There are probably 10 photos of this set-up trying to get one of her sitting AND looking :) 

We got to see Conner and our dogs that weekend. Addison loved it as always. She can say JJ but we are still working on Rocky. She was not scared at all of them and loves going outside with them. 

It was nice to have Conner at the farm with us, she thinks he's hilarious. And he loves to take her outside with the dogs.

This scenario made me laugh. Rocky knocked her over and she got upset and wanted Conner to pick her up. Conner didn't know what she wanted, I had to give him a hint. 

He told me that either she lost weight or he got stronger from the last time he saw her because he couldn't pick her up then. haha! He liked lifting her up into her high chair too. He's much more attentive to Addison than I thought he would be - he's so into "big kid activities" that I didn't think he would slow down to "toddler games" but he does. He tries hard to make her laugh! 

1 comment:

  1. She looks so little in the big orchard chair!!! So nice to see you two at the shower :)
