Saturday, November 4, 2017

Look there's Cy - woof woof!

We went to the Fan Fest event in August again this year. Last year we got our photos with Coach Campbell and our boy D (Deonte Burton) but this year we didn't attempt. You really aren't supposed to take photos with players/coaches (there are lots of signs). We just walked around. Addison napped, I shopped, etc.

Whenever Addison sees Cy at home, which is a lot, she woofs (or sometimes its an arf).We keep saying Cy says "Go cyclones!"  She DID NOT like him at Fan Fest!! She was terrified.

Yup, running on the turf with no shoes on. She had those tiny black beads all over her from the turf! 

If you look way in the back of the photo you can see the top of Cy's head. This distance was okay. She wouldn't walk closer. And she stared HARD at him. haha! 

Playing on the gymnastics mat. They have a mat at daycare and practice their somersaults. 

Hey look, it's that burp rag again! This was at Hickory Park. She puts the rag over her face and screams and runs around. She couldn't see and didn't care!

The only time she went to Hugh was for him to put the rag on her face :) She thinks it's funny when other people put the rag over her face! 

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