Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Dad's away.....

The Friday of Labor Day weekend, we didn't have daycare so Addison spent the day with Grandma Rita and Addison. We had to send the picture above to Ryan, hoping to make him jealous of our supper. Ryan was in DSM with his friends for a bachelor party. 

If the pizza didn't make Ryan jealous, the Dippin' Dots did :) Makena shared her Dippin' Dots with Addison. Addison thought they were pretty good. We had a lot of fun with Makena that weekend!

I got a call about 8:30pm that night, Ryan tells me that he was in a go-kart accident and was heading to the hospital. I knew if my husband was going to the hospital, it HAD to be bad. I'm not posting pictures on here, it was quite nasty. If I remember correctly, he had 4 stitches on the inside and 10 stitches outside. I couldn't watch, I was quite nauseous! The stitches were pretty far apart in my opinion but I know nothing. It was quite a gash. Somehow the go-kart ran over him. It was not a fun night and a lot longer recovery than either of us expected! But we are thankful he wasn't injured any worse. Oh yea, thankful again for Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron as Addison spent the night at their house while I drove to DSM to the hospital, spent a couple hours, then went back to work for the first football game!

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