Friday, November 3, 2017

I need a 5 hour!

I was getting my bag ready for work and was packing some 5 hour energies, Addison thought she needed some :) She loved playing with them. 

Kid loves her burp rags! She loves to nestle in and cuddle with them....we always say "aawwww". That's what we are doing in the photo above. Then she will hold it out to Ryan or I to lay our head on and we all say "awww" She is obsessed with her rags, they are all over the house and our cars! 

I need to play with my lighting a little bit, but my mom got Addison (or me) a backdrop so we can do photos at home. I tried putting a fluorescent lamp in the room for more light but I think it kind of looks funny. 

She also loves to climb on her little chair. She climbs over the sides and over the back. Then she stands on the seat and we say "sit down" and she will laugh. Then eventually she will sit on her knees and say "like this?" and we say "well kind of. sit on your bottom" then she sits on her bottom and says "like this?" and we say "yea like that". Then she laughs and jumps up to her feet and says "Like this?" and we go through the whole thing again. We could go round and round for 15-20 minutes :)
In the photos above she is playing with her magnets, just upside down.

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