Sunday, July 19, 2020

Week 1 photo

Addison loves having picnics inside. So we had a few lunch time picnics while she was home with me. Apparently we talked Ryan into joining us this day! 

Parker gave Addison some magna tiles with wheels, she loves them! She loves building different cars. They were definitely a hit. Ryan might enjoy them as much as Addison. She keeps having to re-build the car because I keep tripping over it while I walk around the house with Mason. Ha!

One week old! It was a tough first week with Ryan going back to work right away, but we somehow got through! 

He peed through all his jammies and we had to resort to the purple newborn jammies from Addison. I'm sure Ryan, Grandpa Ron, and Landon did not approve of this photo. :) Landon brought us tubs of Nolan's clothes when he visited a week later. No more girl clothes for this little boy! 

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