Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Homemade Blizzards

Addison LOVES her school. She is so excited if they post any photos for us. She has found this photo on my phone many times and zooms in super close to look at everyone. They were doing an Easter Egg hunt this day. 

Another much-loved activity in the Lents house is making blizzards. Ryan gets out the blender and makes us Butterfinger or Reese's blizzards. He adds a little extra peanut butter per my request. (yum) Addison has come to love this activity and asks us frequently if we can make ice cream. It isn't a new thing for us, Ryan's been making them since before she was born. But she has recently learned she can ask to make them! I think tonight we are going to try Oreo blizzards (I'm so excited!)

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