Friday, July 3, 2020

Happy Easter

Easter looked a little different this year due to Covid-19. So we didn't get to see my parents or any family. But Addy still got her Easter basket from Grandma Rita. We opened it the night before Easter. She got this pink bunny shirt that she was so excited about that she had to put it on over her jammies. We were playing baseball in the living room and Ryan was pitching to her. Her stance was so funny we had to take a picture. Ha! She is doing better at hitting live pitch but we need to keep practicing. 

Her basket from the Easter Bunny. She was pretty excited. It's really fun to watch her open gifts as she has quite the reactions! 

And here is a video of her figuring out her 'new' bunny (need to figure out the story of this bunny, it came in a bag of stuff from one of my sister's) Addison and Ryan sure enjoyed it though!

At the end she says to Ryan "Why do you always eat M&M's?! I like M&M's too!!" Then she waited for permission to eat 1 M&M. Oh I hope this behavior stays :) 
By the way, she was distracted by Saved by The Bell on TV. 

Since we had no plans for Easter, I decided to make us some homemade cinnamon rolls. My coworkers make their own and convinced me to give it a whirl. They are the kind of bakers who won't share recipes, so I found my own. So I sent Ryan on the hunt for yeast at the grocery store. He had no idea how much to buy and I wasn't any help on the phone. Let's just say we can make many more cinnamon rolls...... haha!
Luckily I got this urge before the yeast shortage. People are worried that there will be a bread shortage with Covid so they will have to make their own. I just wanted cinnamon rolls :)

We all ate cinnamon rolls while we watched our church's service on TV. We unfortunately didn't have ham on Easter this year. I love ham (one of my favorite meals is ham, potatoes, and corn). Ryan was doing all the grocery shopping and I didn't want to make him hunt for a ham :)

And our weekly photo!

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