Saturday, July 4, 2020

Quarantine Hair

Addison asked me one day if she could have two braids. This was my first time doing two braids for her. It was kind of hard because her hair is so thin, but it worked! She insisted on wearing shorts. We were not outside very long, it was not quite warm enough for shorts......

Ryan's hair was getting a little long around the beginning of April. After finding out he would not be returning to work in April, he decided to shave his head. He was also growing the beard out during this time too. 

The fact that hair salons were closed was a big deal to a lot of people. One of the most googled items during this time was about giving hair cuts! Many salons started doing DIY hair cut videos. Salons are open now, but I'm still considering giving Addison a hair cut myself :) Stay tuned to see what is decided there. Ha! 

A closer look at the long hair. 

We handed the razor over to Addison. Ryan's razor was not great, we had to go over the same spot about 10 times. We let Addison do it for a while but I think she got bored when she didn't see results. She enjoyed taking photos of me doing it more. It took so long even I got bored. Ha! 

It was funny to see your neighbors doing hair cuts on their decks or front steps. Someone yelled across the street at us while we were doing it. Ha! 

Shaved head with beard :) There were quite a few beards and shaved heads around as people were left to their own resources! 

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