Monday, July 20, 2020

Mother's Day

We spent Mother's Day this year with a small part of the Julius family. Parker & Kelly got to meet Mason. 

Addison wanted to take our picture - ha! She likes to tell us "Say Cheese!! Oh I better take another one. Give me a good smile!  Look here at the camera!" All the things we usually have to say to her. 

When others hold Mason, Addison needs a turn. 

Holding that bottle again! 

Here is a better picture of our family of four :) It's been two months but it still feels weird to say that! We couldn't be happier though. We feel very grateful that God has blessed us with two happy and healthy kiddos! We hope it stays that way :) Addison however is making more life plans for us. Within the first week, she was telling us that when Mason gets older, we will have another baby. It will be a girl and we will name her Makena. Then the next time she told us, she was going to name it Grandma Rita. Then the name morphed into Grandma Makena. Ha! She is dead set we need another baby!! 

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