Thursday, July 2, 2020

Easter Eggs

Addison was pretty excited to dye Easter Eggs this year. We were in Italy over Easter last year, and my mom would have done it with her except Addison got super super sick.... then my mom got sick. So no eggs last year! 
We had part of a kit left over where you put the egg in a bag with a little dye then roll it around. So we did that for a couple eggs. She quickly got bored with that. 

 So we got out some paints and let her paint the eggs. And we used some markers too. She thought those were way more fun! Note to self for next year, don't bother with a kit. Ha!

Ryan wouldn't let us leave all the eggs out on display (like any normal people do) because then that was "wasting" the eggs. So our dyed eggs sat in the fridge and then he ate them. So weird. 

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