Sunday, July 12, 2020

First week at home

Oh how I love a sweet sleeping baby! I don't feel like he slept as much as Addison the first week she was home. I remember Ryan and I thinking how easy things were with Addison that first week, we didn't know what everyone thought was so hard. HA! Yea well, things got harder after she stayed awake longer!! 

Well, we didn't learn our lesson. Guess in 4 years we forgot! We came home on a Saturday, got Addy back on Monday and Ryan started working again on Tuesday. THAT was hard. I was trying to care for a newborn, entertain a 4 year old, and heal from having a baby. Yikes. I would not suggest it! But we made it (somehow). 

She was so excited to hold him, it was hard to get her to look up at me! Oh, and just so you know how that first week went for me, we NEVER wear jammies all day. She is always dressed before lunch on a lazy weekend day. I think she wore those Cubs jammies Monday night to Wednesday afternoon. Thank you Mom for giving her a bath Monday night before I got her. Ha! 

Caught the slightest of a smile (or gas). 

Our first walk! And I sent this to Grandma Rita and she told me to get that baby back inside because it was too cold :) We only went to the mailbox and back (which is actually 2 blocks). Addy now has to graduate from the stroller to riding something or walking as I refuse to spend money on a double stroller!! And we don't have a lot of storage anyways. She hasn't complained yet! 

Apparently I took this at an awkward angle, his hand looks huge. It really is super tiny. 

My happy place. Not sure when I last showered or gave Addy a back, but we were happy. I had fed and burped him (hence the rag on my shoulder). Addison wanted me to read her a book, so I laid Mason down and she climbed up. Now, 2 months later, it is not uncommon for her to want to climb up with us when we are holding Mason. It's tight, but I love it. I wanted to remember the moment that both kids wanted to sit with me :) 

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