Sunday, July 5, 2020

Enjoying Quarantine

Well once we were quarantined and all events canceled, working from home, and staying home from school, I found myself trying to make the most of the time and enjoy ourselves. I was really savoring the time we had together (I'm taking an online course right now that talks about savoring moments/things, ha!)  Kelly got a subscription to Disney+ at the beginning of quarantine and shared her password...... so we have watched a few movies. We started out with Frozen 2, then Toy Story 4. Addison loved that we made popcorn and ate it in the basement (food doesn't leave the kitchen in our house, I think she was nervous to break the rules). At least once a week now we still go to the basement and try to watch a movie together as a family. 

I tried to look for things to get us out of the house but were still safe. So one day we drove up to the Ames house to hang out. We swung by Hickory Park and picked up take-out. Addison was sad we couldn't go into Hickory Park but she enjoyed her tenderloin, chicken strips, and fries anyways! 

We ended up doing take out from Hickory Park a couple times during quarantine. Having worked there, it's about the only place I'm confident in their practices during these crazy times. 

Ryan was cold (so weird) and so he was standing in front of the fireplace. Addison joined him and said to me "Look Mom, we are like Grandma Rita". Ha! That is definitely my mom's spot in the house, right in front of the fireplace. Addison also likes to wear her coat around the house and tell me she's like Grandma Rita. Ha! 

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