Monday, July 13, 2020

Newborn photos

Addy is one proud big sister! She was so excited to hold him. I for some reason had complete confidence in her........ 

Probably the only newborn awake during photos - ha! 

But I spent long enough doing photos he fell asleep :) I tried to wrap him tight and thought I did a good job, but it doesn't look tight in the photos. 

My favorite one! I somehow caught a little smile. I give photographers credit, I don't know how they position newborns to make them look so good! Granted, I know newborn sessions can take a couple hours and we maybe spent 15-20 minutes doing photos. 

 I took some in the portrait mode that look really good, but they don't upload to my blog for some reason. Probably a computer issue, I know I need to update my viewer. He's two months old as I post this, I can't believe how much he's grown!

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