Monday, July 27, 2020

Strength Training

We were asking Addison if she could do the crab-walk..... and this is how that went. Ha!

And then she wanted to "help" Ryan do push ups. If you can see among all the toys scattered, Mason is watching them. He's kind of hard to see! 

We did try to do some educational things this summer! Parker gave us some of his old workbooks. So Addison has done some of those. Some of them are partially done, and she loves to point out if Parker didn't do something perfectly (in her mind). She's gonna be a handful...... 

Mason is only a couple weeks old in this photo but this is a common sight in our house. Wherever Mason is, Addison is usually close by! She was sitting next to him tell him about her day. She also loves to tell him what both Ryan and I are doing at the time. She likes to keep him informed :) 

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