Saturday, July 25, 2020


We enjoy doing handprint and footprint art at our house. It's usually a family event.... meaning it takes all of us to get it done - ha! We made a footprint tractor for my dad's 70th birthday last year. Addison wanted to make one for our house. So we finally did it. This was probably the first project we did that Ryan didn't have to help with! 

This one, we needed Ryan's help. Addison's feet were easy, but Mason's were a little harder. He participated in our project kicking and screaming.... literally. Ha! It was not easy, a 1 week old baby is super strong!! But we got some smudged tiny footprints. 

I have it on my list to buy more canvas' whenever I go back to Hobby Lobby. But with the way COVID is going, I might just order them on Amazon :) 

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