Saturday, July 18, 2020

Can I hold the baby?

Addison asks a lot "Can I hold him?" She holds him for about a minute then she's done

She was pretty excited when we asked if she wanted to feed him. She loved to help when he first came home and two months later, still loves to do anything for him! 

I love the way Mason is looking up at Ryan in this one! Some happy kiddos with their dad. 

This was the first photo I got with Addison talking to Mason and trying to entertain him. He was 8 days old. Erin sent Mason some toys (in the photo) and Addison was SO EXCITED to show him and wanted him to play with them immediately. Every time his eyes were open, she was in his face with the toys. She wanted him to grab them and couldn't understand why he wouldn't. 

Kind of hard to see, but she's showing off her new stick-on earrings. I had them when I was younger and loved them. I had forgotten all about them until I was searching from something at Hy-Vee and stumbled across the hair products aisle. Christmas stick-on earrings on clearance :) She loves them and wants to put them on quite a bit. 

Ryan's parents came to meet Mason 8 days after he was born. Mason is the 4th grandchild on that side. 

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