Friday, July 10, 2020

Happy May Day!

The morning of Friday May 1st, I woke up early. I went downstairs and ate some cereal. I was planning to get started working as I still had a number of things I wanted to get done prior to the baby coming. Well, plans changed. My water broke and we call my mom to come get Addy! We met her in Ankeny, here is the last photo of a family of three. We woke Addy up early so she wasn't necessarily awake yet :) 

We were admitted to the hospital around 8:30am and had a baby boy by 11:36am. It happened pretty fast (for me anyways)! 

He weighed 7 lbs 15.9oz. Ryan asked if you could round up to 8 lbs :) He was 20 1/2 inches long. Addison weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. Dr. Johnson delivered Mason, we had developed quite a relationship with Dr. Johnson the last few years so that was "fun" for both of us. 

It took us a while again to commit to a name. We had 3 top runners for a boy. It took us until the next morning to commit and start telling people, Mason Julius Lents.

All through pregnancy people would ask me if I thought it was a boy or a girl. I had no clue! Some things were the same as Addison and some were different. I was sick with both kids. Had the same upper back pain with both kids. Some of the differences could have been attributed to me being older or in better shape this time. Who knows!?! The strange thing is, I had a couple dreams with Addison that it was a girl and I had a couple dreams with Mason that it was a boy. I don't really believe in that stuff, but it was quite a coincidence!
Ryan's mom was certain it was another girl because their family history has always been two of the same sex in a row. It is really quite weird! But leave it to us to buck the system - ha!

Mason proved to us all that he wanted to be heard right away. He screamed and screamed. And then screamed a little more. Many of the nurses commented on it!

But he did sleep some too. I didn't. I couldn't sleep in the hospital with him and I didn't with Addison either. But thankfully, due to COVID, they gave us the option to leave early. We just had to stay 24 hours. So we left early Saturday afternoon, we were ready! 

Having a baby during COVID was interesting. We were screened upon entry to the hospital. I had to have the COVID-19 test (they stuck a stick up my nose to 'tickle my brain' and left it there for 10 sec). Ryan could leave only to get the car seat out of the car. No visitors allowed. Ryan and I were actually perfectly fine with no visitors and probably preferred it! 

Everyone always asks about hair - here is the back of his head. He had some blond hair, not very much. Addison's was pretty dark.

Mason did not pass his hearing test the first night and they would have tested him again the second night if we stayed. But instead, I had to go in for a separate appointment a few weeks later. He passed with flying colors. He had a slight case of jaundice that we returned to the doctor for, but that got better on it's own. We had a healthy baby boy! 

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