Saturday, April 11, 2020

Volleyball Game

We have been meaning to go to an ISU Volleyball game for a couple years. Fall of 2019 it finally happened :) I got two free tickets through my work and Addison got in free with Conner's Jr. Cyclone Club pass. So volleyball was our Saturday afternoon entertainment. 

Addison has been loving the ISU Fight Song, she makes me sing it a lot. This was the first athletic event she was actually clapping along with it when the band played. 

Addison's favorite part of the volleyball game = the Rice Krispie Treat in her snack sack. She was so excited and probably asked for it 15 times on the drive up. She couldn't hardly wait to get in her seat to eat her treat. It's the important things in life! Ha! 
Ryan and I enjoyed watching the match, although they were not winning when we left. We will try to make it to another one next year! 

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