Thursday, April 9, 2020

Dance Moves

She loved dance class! She would keep track of the days of week and she knew she went to dance class on Wednesday nights. She was pretty excited. She is to the right of the girl in black. 

They would go around the circle at the beginning of class and have each kid answer a question. One question was "What's your favorite kind of ice cream?" Ryan and I cringed as we were pretty sure Addison didn't know there were different kinds. We were right. Her answer was "Blue". The teacher thought about it and said "oh cotton candy?!" Addison just said "yes". She had no clue. ha! She had really only ever had vanilla and just knows it as "ice cream". 

Another question was "What's your favorite candy?" and we cringed again. She didn't know there were kinds of candy and she doesn't really eat candy. She had had Skittles & M&M's at school, but didn't know that they were considered candy. Ha! Pretty sure she would have answered "blue" again, but she just copied the girl in front of her. I can't even remember what she said, haha. 

She could take her favorite stuffed animal to school one day. Since we aren't really stuffed animal people, she didn't have much to choose from. Thankful we did have 1 that Ryan's Aunt Cathy had just bought her a few weeks earlier. A little piggy with an ISU shirt on. She was so excited to take it! 

She was pretty excited about her sweatshirt with a hood and pockets (two of her favorite things) and I did her hair in pigtails. She loves picking how to do her hair each morning and sits really well for me to do it. Hope that continues! We do need to toughen up her scalp, she complains I pull too hard sometimes. Ha! 

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