Thursday, April 30, 2020

A Julius Christmas

This little guy is the cutest! 

Addison loved Tracey's tree and wanted her picture in front of it. 

Addison told us she was tired right after lunch and wanted to go take a nap. We were shocked. Usually with so much activity she would never leave to take a nap. She thought it was pretty funny that she was going to nap in Tracey's bed at her house, she loves to tease Tracey about sleeping in her bed at the Ames house. She always gets tickled for sleeping in Tracey's bed. 

So since we had to wait for her to wake up, Landon make up games for the boys. Whoever won a wall sit contest, got to open one present. Conner, being the smooth talker he is, told Parker "If you bail you can go eat a cookie" Of course, with Parker's sweet tooth, there was no thought behind his decision. He bailed right away and went and grabbed a cookie. Ha! Conner won and got to open a present. 

Then planks were the next contest. They put Nicole in this one. We thought she would win, but she had already done her Orange Theory that day and was super tired. I was shocked at how long each of the boys went. I can't remember who won this one, but we put Nolan on Conner's back to make it harder. They also had a dance contest and a singing contest. 

Makena and Nolan

This might be the first time I've seen this little guy cry in his 9 months. It was so funny! 

Addison was pretty tired and not quite awake and wouldn't smile. She got a doll crib, high chair, and  swing. She plays with them constantly. She also got some fun games, doll clothes, clothes for her and other good stuff. 

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