Wednesday, April 8, 2020

More Apple Orchard

The day I ran the TC 10 ended up being a pretty nice October day. So after I drove the 3 hours home, we got in the car and drove to the Apple Orchard. I think I can honestly say I've never been so sore and stiff in my entire life! I could hardly move and every move hurt. Getting up on those hay bales was painful. I thought I might be stuck there - ha! 

This little slide was part of a combine. This was a challenge for Addison, she had to climb all the steps and wait in line with the other kids by herself. She is so shy and timid we weren't sure if she would do it! She had lots of kids budging in front of her and didn't move with the line very well, but she finally got to go down the slide :) 

There was no way I was climbing to the top - ha! Maybe another time. 

She loved looking at all the big pumpkins :) 

And pretending to drive the big tractor. They had little petal tractors that were in about the same condition. They were quite rusty and she wasn't quite tall enough or strong enough to ride them. So we ended up pushing her around on them. She still had fun! 

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