Tuesday, April 28, 2020


We started Elf on the Shelf this year. I wasn't sure if she would understand, but she definitely did! She had a lot of fun with it. She named her elf "Grinch". Just like her mom and dad, she loves The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I should have counted how many times we have watched that show. We actually wore out a DVD and had to buy a new one! 

I apparently didn't take any pictures of Grinch. But he moved every night and Addison looked forward to finding him each morning. And he also brought her small gifts when she was good. She loved them. It's been 4 months and she still tells us what Grinch gave her. I think one of her favorite gifts was some Paw Patrol tatooes. We put them on her hands. 

Oh man, the cowboy boots were still in good shape in these photos! She chose to wear them all the time. Even on jammie day.

The first of the belly photos. It was about this time that we had our ultrasound. Once again, not finding out what we are having! 

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