Thursday, April 16, 2020

I'm a ghost.....whooo......

So without prompting, Addison wanted to be a ghost this year. She was dead set on it for about a month. I found all sorts of cute ideas on pinterest but didn't really have the time to search for something or make something. So yes, it looks like I forgot Halloween and through something together, but it was exactly what she wanted. 

We went to the business trick or treat in Bondurant, the grocery store was making smores. She tried her first smore and of course liked it (who wouldn't?). They also handed out pizza samples. It was nice to walk around the store trick or treating as it was quite chilly outside! 

Her school did the business trick or treat. She of course was quite shy for the longest time. Even though she spends all day with these people! Her favorite, Miss Kenzie, is in the pink. 

She was so excited for her ghost bucket, ghost costume, and jack o'lantern. 

Trick or treating! It was quite chilly out so we weren't out terribly long. She did good talking to people when they asked her "what does your ghost say?" Then she would say "BOO!! whooo......." And she always said thank you for the candy but I'm not sure anyone heard her. We of course had to walk down to Shannon's house to see them (oh how we miss them) but Addison of course was too shy to talk to them. 

Here is her "BOO! whoooo" I can't believe I only had one video of this, she ran around the house saying it all the time. I hope these videos are in a format that Addison can watch when she gets older :)

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