Wednesday, April 15, 2020


We did our first jack o'lantern this year. She did touch the insides but didn't care too much for it. She loved having the candle inside it. 
The pumpkin on the far left was one she painted in school. She uses paints sparingly compared to others. Ha! And the one right next to her, but that's her Grandpa Ron pumpkin with her name on it. You can't see her name very well in the photo but it looks good in person. 

She wanted to make a silly face like the pumpkin. 

She was going through items Parker gave her - the ghost basket that she already used trick or treating, the sweat band, and the stocking hat that says "Parker". She thought she was pretty cool! 

This girl and her rags :) I can't even remember where we were that she is wearing jammies, in the daylight and sleeping in the car. Probably coming home from Minneapolis or something. 

One morning she told me she wanted to sing Grandma Rita a song. She started out with "Go Cubs Go" (yes I'm a proud mom). She's saying "go cubs go, go cubs go, hey Chicago what do you say, the cubs are gonna win today" And then she sings "the weather song" from school. 

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