Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dear Santa......

We always try to get to Santa before Thanksgiving so that we don't have to wait in line. So we got dressed, got baby Santa, and head to Bass Pro. She understood who Santa was and that he would bring her toys. 

It also happened to be my birthday, so we had to take a picture together. With a bear of course. Ha! It was a great day, mainly because the home football season and Cyclone Central Tailgates were over (the day prior). And I had a really awful cold but couldn't take any medicine due to being pregnant. It had been a long, rough, football season with morning sickness, adding 45% of someone's job to my team, running races and trying to keep track of everything at home! So a nice relaxing birthday was perfect :) 

Addison climbs in and says "Mom, I don't have one of these at home" - ha! 

Well this was a pretty good year with Santa! No tears and we didn't have to go with her. We didn't get a REAL smile, but how much can you really ask for? She was really excited to see Santa this year, but not quite ready to talk to him. She was going to tell him she wanted "lots of dolls". We aren't sure if she spoke but we are positive he wouldn't have heard her if she did. Every since last year, every time we drove by Bass Pro, she would yell "That's Santa Claus' house!" She was so super excited about Santa this year and couldn't wait for him to come to her house. 

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