Monday, April 6, 2020

The Apple Orchard

As season pass holders to the apple orchard, we got tickets to do the 'apple sling-shot'. They give you rotten apples and you use the slingshot to try to hit targets. I think Ryan might have enjoyed this more than Addison. 

Had to take advantage of the photo op. I think last year when I tried this one, Addison was crying.

This year she fit on the bouncing donkey a little better. Still not quite big enough though! She likes the adult bouncy things better than the little kid ones. 

I was pretty excited that there were piglets in the barn, Addison was not. It actually took lots of coaxing to get her in here to take a picture. I'm not sure what she was so scared of, but she did not like the barn. 

One of her favorite parts of the orchard is the Three Little Pigs houses. There is nothing in the houses, but she gets to run in them. She loves it! She would probably run between all 3 houses as longs we would let her. She was a little bigger this year and less likely to get run over by all the bigger kids running around too - ha! She would avoid the other kids though, it wasn't likely that she would go to a house that other kids were at. 

She also enjoys climbing up on the Humpty Dumpty wall. 

And right before we left, we decided to have a photo of me and Addy. As you can tell, almost all of our photos are of Ryan and Addy. I read an article once about how mom's are never in photos and we need to try to make an effort. So true, my mom isn't in very many photos of ours! I try to make a better effort sometimes. :) 

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