Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Valentine's Day

Addison didn't really know what Valentine's Day was before the day, but she sure enjoyed the day and has talked about it ever since! We went to Target to pick out what treat she was going to give her friends. She chose the Rice Krispie Treats (we were not at all surprised!) So Ryan wrote the names on the treats on them. Addison insisted that Ryan wrote "To Addison From Addison" She loved it. Every time she eats one now, we have to write on the wrapper for her. Ha! 

She was so excited to show us her box and all the treats. They made their own boxes out of Kleenex boxes. I was pretty happy I didn't have to do it this year :) She loved sorting all her treats and telling us who they were from. She talks about Valentine's Day a lot now. It's May and she is making a Valentines card for Ryan :)

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