Thursday, May 28, 2020

Addy Mark

An updated photo of Addison's birthmark, or her "Addy Mark" as we have called it. It is definitely faded and more flat than it was when she was under 1. But we are guessing at this point it won't go away like they said it could. That's okay! 

Addison really really wanted to wear a certain pair of pajamas. I told her if she could find them she could wear them :) 

Addison had to go to the doctor with me because she was getting over a fever and couldn't go to school. Of course, it was the day I had to do the 1 hour glucose test. So we had to sit in the waiting room for an hour. The doctor gave her a sucker so she was one happy camper. She had recently learned what suckers are..... we made it till 3 1/2 years old. Ha!

She thinks she is pretty cool to have her own chapstick. Ryan is addicted to chapstick and is constantly putting it on, so Addison thinks she is just like Dad. :)

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