Wednesday, May 13, 2020

There is a monkey on my car!

Addison was pretty excited to go out and help Ryan shovel the driveway. She insisted on wearing her dress scarf outside. She also likes her stocking hat from Parker. Ha! 

We were having dinner at Lauren and Jason's house one night and we looked out in the 4 seasons room and saw this. We told Addison there was a little monkey on her car. Haha! 

These two are two peas in a pod! They have such fun playing together. They take turns copying each other. 

Addison loves to help me clean. This night, I had her wiping down the woodwork. Any time she sees me get a bucket of water or a rag, she drops everything to run over and help. She gets worked up if I'm cleaning and she's doing something else (like eating or taking a bath). I then have to wait for her. I hope her love for cleaning continues.......

This kid cracks me up. She picked out her jammies one night and chose the Cubs ones. She tells me she loves the Cubs. then we were picking out her outfit for school the next day and she chose her White Sox jersey. She has only wore this jersey once if even at all. So it was unusual that she chose this shirt. Figured out later she only chose it because of the buttons, but it still made me laugh. 
She is constantly telling us this spring "I really want to go to the Cubs, we have never been there before". And I swear, she's saying this with no prompting! Ryan told her we will take her to the Iowa Cubs again if they have a season this summer. 

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