Sunday, May 10, 2020

Santa Claus is Coming To Town

Here is a video of Addison singing on the way to the Julius Christmas. I forgot to put it on the other post, I just found it. She sang this way for a long time on the drive up :)

Addison with her milk and cookies for Santa. This year she didn't try to eat the cookies, but made she we left one in the container for her to eat later. She was pretty excited for Santa to come! All she wanted was 6 dolls and nothing else. 

Her stocking was full! 

She got a "Barbie in a race car!" And then 3 princess Barbies. 

 And then she got a doll with a puppy! She thought that was pretty cool. This doll's name is Meghan. She also loved that the dress has pockets. We didn't have a picture of it, but she got one more small Cabbage Patch Kid Doll. So Santa did bring her 6 dolls :) She was pretty happy!

Her smile may not say it, but she was excited for her gifts from Mom and Dad. They weren't as good as Santa's, but she still had fun opening them! We had a good day of opening presents and playing with toys. It was really fun this year with the Elf, Santa, and Christmas activities. I have always loved the excitement of Christmas. 
We donated toys in the Toys for Tots box and she went with her school to the grocery store to buy food for the pantry. I tried to explain to Addison the meaning of Christmas this year, but hopefully she will understand it better next year. 

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