Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Swimming Lessons!

We decided we better get Addison in swimming lessons this past winter. She is 3.5 and we hadn't done lessons. We lucked out and found affordable lessons in Altoona. There are not many options so I was pretty happy! 

Ryan and Addison are checking out the lessons before us. Addison hadn't done much swimming so we weren't sure how lessons would go. She has never gone under water or put her face in. Since I was 6 months pregnant and didn't have a maternity swimming suit, Ryan got in the water with her :) But really, I was late to most lessons coming from work. 

She really did pretty good! She loved the "free swim" time more so than doing what the teachers said. They had these little rubber duckies that the kids would throw and then had to swim and go get. She did not do well with putting her face in. The teacher dunked her and she did okay with that but told us she didn't want to do it again......

She struggled getting in the water from sitting on the ledge. So we had to practice on her bed :) They had a little platform under the water so she could stand on it. But she was still pretty scared getting in the water. You can see she has a little backpack thing on, that's her life jacket they have them wear. We told her she has to learn how to swim so we can go to Florida. :) That helped! 

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