Thursday, May 21, 2020

Trip to see the KC Julius'

We go from sledding one week, to playing golf with no coat! We went to KC the first weekend of February and it was around 60 degrees. 

We drove down on a Friday night and got there around 9pm. Addison went to bed at 11:30pm and was awake at 6am. In a good mood, ready to go. This kid is crazy!

We were going to a hockey game Saturday night, Nolan hates getting in his car seat so Addison was singing Baby Shark to him.

At the hockey game - clearly Nolan wasn't as happy as Addison - ha! He is an active little boy who does not enjoy being contained!

Addison likes Cooper from a distance. She is still a little freaked out by him. Landon was having Addison give him a treat. She set it on the floor and had to tell him to stay.... then "release". She must like Cooper a little bit.... she tells us when we get a dog she is going to name it Cooper :)

Saturday night, she went to bed at 11pm and again was up at 6am. In a good mood. Can't complain then!

Went home Sunday around 1pm. Addison was asleep before we got out of Landon's development. She was one tired, happy little girl! 

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