Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Ryan's Birthday

I'm not sure who was the most excited to go to Hickory Park for Ryan's birthday, Addison loves HP as much as we do! 

Addison could hardly slow down long enough to take a picture. :) 

The night of Ryan's birthday, we ordered the new specialty pizza from Casey's..... pepperoni & meatball. It was pretty delicious!! We tried to order the pizza a couple times after that and they were always out of meatballs. And now the pizza is gone and we are sad :( 

And Ryan's birthday cake. Again, not sure who was more excited. I did one trick candle and Addison thought that was pretty funny. She didn't eat as much cake as I thought she would. Ryan ate as much as I expected - ha!

Getting bigger and you can see more of the bump! 

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