Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Playing outside at Christmas

She rode a horse but was scared of the cat - ha! 

Christmas was so nice this year! We were able to go to a park and play for a while. 

As I have mentioned before, she loves merry-go-rounds. We found a different style of one and she thought that was pretty cool. 

We had to take a ride on the teeter-totter of course.

We had lunch at Ryan's Grandma's house in Greenfield that day. Aunt Cathy made us a delicious Christmas lunch. Then while the kids went to the park, the adults worked around the house. They made these awesome leaf piles for the kids to play in! 

Big Nolan, Garrett and Addison playing with Addison's new toys. Grandma Evonne & Grandpa Dale bought Addison a food set for her doll. It was a huge hit! 

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